Acolytes, crucifers, and torch bearers
Acolytes, crucifers, and torch bearers assist in the worship service, lighting candles and carrying the cross.
Altar guild
Altar guild members set up the Lord’s Table for communion during worship services. Guild members also care for the linens, dishes and candles afterward.
Flower ministry
Flower ministry members bring the beauty of God’s creation inside with lovely floral arrangements that complement our services.
Coffee hour ministry
Coffee hour ministry members coordinate the serving of coffee, tea and snacks after the service on Sunday mornings. The team works to create a welcoming atmosphere for church members and guests.
Greeters meet those who enter the church with a warm smile and handshake. They extend God’s love to everyone they encounter on Sunday mornings and at other church events.
Lay eucharistic ministry
Lay eucharistic ministry members assist in serving the bread and wine during Holy Communion. They also take communion to shut-ins and others in the community throughout the week.
Lay readers
Lay readers serve the congregation by reading the Scripture passages appointed for each Sunday. They also lead the reading of our corporate prayers and creed.
Prayer ministry
Prayer ministry members are available to pray for church members during Holy Communion on Sundays and throughout the week. The team also prays regularly for our church, its leaders and their families.
Ushers help members and visitors alike to feel welcome and comfortable worshipping at St. Andrew’s. They assist with seating, collect the offering and guide people to Holy Communion.