St. Andrew’s is part of the great Anglican tradition, which embraces the historic catholic faith as it was clarified by the English Reformation in the 16th century. Although Anglican representation in North America is small, the Anglican communion worldwide is the largest Protestant tradition in the world, comprising more than 80 million people around the globe.
Within the Anglican Communion, St. Andrew’s is especially associated with a new movement called GAFCON, which since 2008 has worked as a global renewal movement of biblical, orthodox Anglicanism. We adhere to the Jerusalem Declaration, which was drafted at GAFCON’s first gathering in 2008.
In North America, we belong to the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), under Archbishop Foley Beach. Each church in the ACNA is part of a smaller body called a diocese, which is led by a bishop. St. Andrew’s is part of the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS), under Archbishop Foley Beach and Assisting Bishop Frank Lyons.